Date: 02/06/2024
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Cathedral City Police Department (760) 770-0300
Issuing Employee: Sergeant Robles
Type of Case: Gang association search warrants served throughout Riverside County
Date/Time Reported: 02/06/2024 6:00 A.M.
Location of Occurrence: Several locations throughout Riverside County
Synopsis of Incident:
On Tuesday, February 06, 2024, at approximately 0600 hours, The Cathedral City Police Detective Bureau along with the assistance of several outside agencies / teams – East Post-Release Accountability Compliance Team (PACT), Riverside County Gang Impact Team (GIT), Coachella Valley Violent Crimes Gang Task Force (GTF), Coachella Valley Narcotics Task Force (CVNTF), Indio Police Department Street Crimes Unit (SCU), Palm Springs Police Department Special Enforcement Unit (SEU) and Desert Hot Springs Police Detective Bureau, executed several gang related search warrants throughout Riverside County.
Over the years, members of the Bario Cathedral City (BCC) criminal street gang have been involved in many crimes including robberies, homicides, attempted homicides, assaults with deadly weapons, burglaries, the sale of narcotics, thefts, and other crimes. Many of these crimes have been and continue to be committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in association with other members of the gang.
As a result of multiple search warrants served today, three juveniles were arrested (one female and two males). The arrests were for possession of ammunition and firearms. One adult male identified as Bruce Lee Hunter, D.O.B. 06-13-1995, from Cathedral City was arrested for two outstanding felony warrants.
Several weapons, extended magazines, and ammunition, including a handgun and rifles were recovered and confiscated. Two of the firearms were identified as “Ghost” guns. Numerous pieces of clothing containing gang insignia were also recovered.
If you have information related to this incident or believe you may have information, please contact the Cathedral City Police Department at (760) 770-0300; or via the Cathedral City Police Department website at:; or email You may also report information anonymously through Coachella Valley Crime Stoppers, by calling (760) 341-STOP; or through the WeTip hotline at: 1-(800)-78-CRIME or Some tip information may qualify for a cash reward.

D.O.B. 06/13/1995